Distinguished guests and fellow alumni of a great institution

The North American Branch of the Ibadan College of Medicine Alumni Association was incorporated in the USA in 2001 as a non-profit tax-exempt organization with 501(c)(3) Status.


We are very proud to be members of a special group of people who are products of a great medical institution. All over the world, from Ibadan to Indianapolis, from Kano to Canada, alumni of the Ibadan College of Medicine are making their mark on the world in all medical and related fields. Working at all levels of medical endeavor, we are known to be among the very best.


We are very grateful to all those whose lifelong work makes our pride possible. To those who worked to establish the highest standards at Ibadan, we are grateful. To those who dedicated themselves to teaching us honor, integrity and professionalism as well as medical science, we say thank you. To those who made great personal sacrifices to make it possible for all of us alumni to be where we are today, we can never fully express the depths of the gratitude we feel. Thank you.

Our Vision

Our vision is to promote and support the educational, teaching and research activities of the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria while networking effectively with other ICOMAA Alums by building a very strong and viable branch in the United States of America.

Our Mission

“Giving back to a center of excellence” As grateful and proud alums of the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria we will support our Alma Mater and ensure that she remains a center of excellence.

Giving Back to a Center of Excellence

ICOMAA North America seeks funding from all alumni and friends, and from corporations and foundations for scholarships, endowments, capital improvement projects and medical equipment at the University of Ibadan College of Medicine. The North American Branch of the Ibadan College of Medicine Alumni Association was incorporated in the USA in 2001 as a non-profit tax-exempt organization with 501(c)(3) Status.

ICOMAA Membership

Ibadan College of Medicine Alumni Association, North America.

ICOMAA Volunteer

Ibadan College of Medicine Alumni Association, North America.


ICOMAA North America seeks funding from all alumni and friends, and from corporations and foundations for scholarships, endowments, capital improvement projects and medical equipment at the University of Ibadan College of Medicine. The North American Branch of the Ibadan College of Medicine Alumni Association was incorporated in the USA in 2001 as a non-profit tax-exempt organization with 501(c)(3) Status.

ICOMAA Pictures

Ibadan College of Medicine Alumni Association, North America.


Ibadan College of Medicine Alumni Association, North America.

ICOMAA Worldwide Mission

Support our projects today!

ICOMAA North America seeks funding from all alumni and friends, and from corporations and foundations for scholarships, endowments, capital improvement projects and medical equipment at the University of Ibadan College of Medicine. The North American Branch of the Ibadan College of Medicine Alumni Association was incorporated in the USA in 2001 as a non-profit tax-exempt organization with 501(c)(3) Status.

ICOMAA Projects

The Virtual Donor Recognition Wall acknowledges those individuals and corporations, who through their generous donations, have made it possible for ICOMAA North America to make a start on her vision to “give back to a center of excellence” .

Endowment Fund

To give recognition to past and present students and staff of the College of Medicine and University College Hospital (UCH)

General Support

To encourage alumni to participate actively in all affairs concerning the University of Ibadan Alumni Association.

Student Hostels

To promote the welfare and progress of the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan and of its Teaching Hospital, the UCH, Ibadan.

2023 Annual General Meeting

To promote the welfare and progress of the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan and of its Teaching Hospital, the UCH, Ibadan. The North American Branch of the Ibadan College of Medicine Alumni Association was incorporated in the USA in 2001 as a non-profit tax-exempt organization with 501(c)(3) Status.

ICOMAA Donor Recognition Wall

The Virtual Donor Recognition Wall acknowledges those individuals and corporations, who through their generous donations, have made it possible for ICOMAA North America to make a start on her vision to “give back to a center of excellence” .

Giving Categories

Join us to Build a New Hostel for Students


Why is a New Hostel for Students of the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan (CoMUI) Required?


Housing All Clinical Students within the Hospital Premises is an Accreditation Requirement of the Medical & Dental Council of Nigeria(MDCN)

Students living outside the Hospital Premises are Subject to increased Security Risks & CoMUI has had to deal with unfortunate situations

CoMUI is unable to utilize the full MDCN allocation for admission into Medical School (MBBS) because of a shortfall in Accomodation Spaces for Clinical Student

Students living outside the Hospital tend to have Limited Learning Experience because they are unable to attend late evening learning sessions

ICOMAA NA Officers

The North American Branch of the Ibadan College of Medicine Alumni Association was incorporated in the USA in 2001 as a non-profit tax-exempt organization with 501(c)(3) Status.

Dr. Abraham Ariyo, MBBS FACC MPH
Dr Modupe Sokunbi, MBBS FAAP
Vice President
Dr. Dolamu O. Bamidele Sokunbi, MBBS FACP FASN
Immediate Past President
Dr. Olatunji Akintilo, MBBS FAAFP MBA
Secretary General
Dr. Tony Anani
Dr. Ayodeji Famuyide
Assitant Secretary
Dr Titilola Britto, MBA, MBBS
Fund & Fundraising
Dr. Yinka Akinboboye
Public Relations Officer
Dr. Imina Nosamiefan
Endowment Fund and Fundraising
Dr. Olabisi Pearse
Ex-Officio Member – Medicine
Emily Ega

ICOMAA NA Media Gallery

The North American Branch of the Ibadan College of Medicine Alumni Association was incorporated in the USA in 2001 as a non-profit tax-exempt organization with 501(c)(3) Status.

Support our projects today!

ICOMAA North America seeks funding from all alumni and friends, and from corporations and foundations for scholarships, endowments, capital improvement projects and medical equipment at the University of Ibadan College of Medicine. The North American Branch of the Ibadan College of Medicine Alumni Association was incorporated in the USA in 2001 as a non-profit tax-exempt organization with 501(c)(3) Status.

Articles & Publications

T.Y Danjuma donates $1.36million USD to UI college of medicine Ibadan College of Medicine Alumni Association, North America, Inc   A former Nigeria’s Chief of Army Staff, Lt. General Theophilus Danjuma, has donated a total of $1,363,108.43 to the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan (CoMUI) to build hostel for students.   The donation made through the T.Y Danjuma Foundation, was in response to an earlier request by the College towards the realissation of the

We are happy to share an inspiring End of Year Speech and Season Greetings by Dr. Abraham Ariyo, President of Ibadan College of Medicine Alumni Association North America (ICOMAA-NA)! We celebrate the unwavering support from the ICOMAA-NA family for the Students’ Hostel Building Project of the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan. In the face of 2023’s challenges, they’ve been a beacon of hope for us all. Watch the full video of Dr. Ariyo’s End

Olufemi Taiwo PhD, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Georgetown University donates US$6000 to comui Student Hostel Project in honour of his parents Ibadan College of Medicine Alumni Association, North America, Inc Olufemi O Taiwo PhD, an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Georgetown University, attained Gold Donor status as he gave a donation of $6000 in honour of his parents towards the Student Hostel Project in the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan (CoMUI), being spearheaded

The President, Ibadan Medical Specialists Group (IMSG), United Kingdom (UK), Banji Adeyoju, FRCS (Urol) accompanied by the Secretary, Olufunso Adedeji, MD, FRCSEd and member of this distinguished group of MBBS/BDS alumni of the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan (CoMUI), Professor Onome Ogueh, the Chief Medical Director, Delta State Teaching Hospital, had a meeting with Eleven IMSG Scholarship awardees on Wednesday 8 November 2022 in the Office of the Provost. The 2.5 million Naira (N2,500,000)

The 1st of November 2022 brought a lot of joy to Miss Dorcas Fiyinfoluwa Fanibe, a 100 level MBBS student and her family as she became the first recipient of the Cecilia Oshikanlu Scholarship Award instituted under the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan (CoMUI), Sponsor A Student Programme (SASP). The Provost, CoMUI, Professor Olayinka Omigbodun along with the Deputy Provost, Professor A. F. Adeniyi, the Acting Secretary to the College, Barrister A. A. Agbaje, the

Alexander Brown Hall Gets A Makeover Hurray! Alexander Brown Hall (ABH) wears a new look. ABH has undergone an extensive renovation as part of 40th Anniversary of the College. Special appreciation to the University of Ibadan and Alumni classes that made this happen: Renovation of A Block – MBBS/BDS Class of 1984 Renovation of B Block – MBBS/BDS Class of 1975 Renovation of C Block – MBBS/BDS Class of 1994 Renovation of D Block –













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